Weary from their travels, the men went to huts to sleep.
The Grunwald wisemen gathered in one of the huts before they slept.
"I have grave news. The night after Allen left, Toren died in his sleep."
Allen looked at Thomas, feeling helpless and sad.
At last Old Joseph broke the painful silence.
The Grunwald wisemen gathered in one of the huts before they slept.

"There is nothing more any of could have done. If we were there or not, Toren's time had come."
Allen and Thomas both seemed relieved.
Old Joseph stood then.
"Dear Lord in Heaven, we pray for Toren's soul, may he rest in peace. We pray for the maids in waiting, may their mourning be brief. We pray for Ebony, may her pain also ease. We pray that we 3 wisemen do your will where ever our paths may lead. Amen."

The men each took a moment to themselves before settling down to sleep.
The next day was fairly uneventful. The men silently agreed to let Lady Ebony mourn.

Finally at the evening meal, she made an appearance.
She then showed signs that her mourning was over.
"So tell me Cupid, how do you feel about bondage?" she boldly asked.

"Who am I to deny a wife's request?" Cupid replied.
"I have an announcement."

None of the men could imagine an announcement more interesting than the last Ebony made.
She finished her meal, then left the room. She returned in a dress.
"I have been pulling my stomach in as best I could, but I shall do so no more. I am expecting my husband's child. If any man wishes not to marry me for this reason, he should leave by morning. Please go now and rest. Harbor no resentment to any man that is not here at sunrise."
Ebony waited until they left, then sat down with a second bowl of soup.
For just a moment she wanted to be alone with her dead husband and his child growing within her.

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