After many bubbles and giggles, Maid Heather and Celeste begged Allen to not take them home right away.
"Couldn't we visit another kingdom tomorrow?"
"Please Allen?"
"It is quite late fair maidens..."
"Too late to journey back to Grunwald?"
At last Allen consented.
"We can spend the night here in the Ottoman Kingdom. Tomorrow we can make a brief visit to the Orient. I have been wanting to meet Confucious."
The characteristicly quiet maids squealed their thanks.
Now that they've arrived at the gate of Budda and Confucious, the maids didn't seem to know what to do with themselves.

Allen watched the maids, too nervous to look at one another.
They weren't like this yesterday. What's different? This is the home of 2 young single men.
Thinking upon it further, Allen doubted the maids had met a single man their own age.

"Maid Heather?"

Maid Heather turned his direction.
Well, that was easy enough.

The maids were composed now as Allen made the introductions.
Confucious entertained them in the garden until Allen hurried the maids home. Confuscious bid them a memorable fairwell.

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