Lord Scott Moore invited Confucious to Grunwald for the evening. Rather then entertain at home, he and his wife took the man to the hot spring.
Confucious quietly left Agatha's side as she surveyed the scene. Her husband is already playing darts. A sigh escaped her as her eyes went down his body to his kilt, so errotic... She watched him play for several minutes. Finally she looked away.
Well! He certainly isn't from Grunwald. Look at that tattoo on his face. His clothing is primitive, so is his neclace. I think I like how the teeth curl toward his chest...

What magic is this? I heard about wishing wells when I was a wee girl. And to think, I thought it was just a fireside tale!

If I were a stupid peasant woman I would have thought Confucious cursed. If I weren't Scottish, I may think I had imagined that green light from the well. Da alway did say I'm the smartest snip of a girl.
I think that is truly a wishing well, but I don't think what I witnessed is a result of the wish. I think that skunk in the spring is like Lord Chester Cheetah...but I'm still glad I didn't get close enough to find out. The lightning? A sudden downpour is fitting with the weather. The lochs always did attract the lightning. We were just too close to the spring.
Lady Agatha thought it wise to not share this with anyone. She thought of the reeve's reaction to the cheetah. People have enough prejudices of foreigners. Agatha felt a twitch of anger.
At a time like this! We're all just escaped death by plague. We come from near and far, most of us foreigners to this land. But we were invited by royal decree.
Agatha had no intention of putting the reeve at ease, not that she had before. Not unless she could put him at ease by getting him to accept the Wild Things of the Wild Kingdom.
Scott squeezed her in his sleep.
Ah Scott! Surely you will accept the Wild Things of another kingdom. You already accept the wild thing in your own bed!
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