Not long after visiting Lady Sylvia, Summer Scwharz died in her sleep. Both she and her husband had taken the worst of the smoke during the fire.
It would almost seem the pirate would be worse off, his very clothes had been burned off his body. His time with the fire had been brief. He got too close, was burned, jumped in the lake (which likely saved his skin), then took his sorry self home.
The gypsies put the fire out, breathed in more of the smoke.

Queen Gypsy let her people mourn, then helped them go on. What else could they do?

There was gardening to be done, fishing to be had.

The gypsies moved on, all but one.
Wesley Scwharz took his last gasping breath and fell to the ground.
One rushed to him, to be greeted by the Grim Reaper himself.
Oddly the other gypsies went on with their meal, seemingly unaware of the scene before them.

"I am not here for you," spoke a voice. It took him a moment to realize it was the Grim Reaper.

The gypsy fell to his knees.
"Please don't take this man from us. He just lost his wife, has he not suffered enough?"
"This man has suffered enough."
"I take him now to see his wife. Both will suffer no more."

The gypsy stood helplessly has the Grim Reaper took another from their midst.
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