Allen took his hot drink with a shaky hand.

Finishing off this brew he took to his bed. He hoped to sleep off his illness. Not long after this it became clear that Allen is seriously ill.
After so many days Toren took it upon himself to cheer the Maids in Waiting.

Noblewoman that she is, Maid Heather chose to stay nearby Allen's door.
Maid Patty and Celeste welcomed some hot wine.

"Toren, do you think he'll pull through?"

How should he answer Celeste? The peasant woman looked out the window, not meeting his gaze. As hard as it is, he must tell the truth.
"We are very old men. It may very well be that his time has come."
Old Joseph and Thomas shuffled by, preparing to bed for the night.
From his room Allen made a hacking cough.
The women took this sign of Allen's illness as a time to prepare for bed themselves.

Alas, I try to cheer them and I have only increased their sorrow!

Celeste stopped to eat her dinner before bed. Everyone had eaten earlier. Celeste hadn't felt like eating. She felt less anxious after Toren's words.

Maid Celeste took a walk through the Sanctuary before bed. It helped settle her nerves in this time of sorrow. On her walk she passed by Toren's door. She overheard something the old man had been hiding.

Maid Heather sat outside Allen's door, eyes wide. She waited outside Allen's door, praying his illness passes soon.
Maid Patty sorrowed over Toren's secret.

For as Allen lay sick abed,

...Toren did as well.
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