Robert hadn't wanted her to go on the voyage, but she happened to know of a woman who did. It was time to meet her former neighbor, the Scottish noblewoman. Her husband had let her go.
Lady Swan was seen in by the irish woman's man servant.
"Oh! The Reeve's wife, it's time we met. I am Lady Agatha Moore, wife of Lord Scott Moore."
Perhaps being the Reeve's wife would have it's advantages.
"I am Lady Swan Locksley, wife of Reeve Robert Locksley."
"I'm expecting a guest I met on the voyage. I'm sure he won't mind if the 2 of us begin the meal without him."
"From Grunwald?"
"No, from the Animal Kingdom. He is a nobleman."
The Animal Kingdom! It must be rich with game. And soon I'll get to meet someone from another kingdom! Outwardly Swan was composed...except for not thinking to sit while she ate.
Swan wondered how she would work things that are "not for a lady's ears" into the conversation. She would soon find no need to do that.
The manservant saw the foreign guest in. As he sat down Swan attempted to peek at the guest while appearing to look at her food. Swan would compliment herself later on remaining ladylike, not squawking, staring, squealing, fainting...

"Pleased to meet you," Swan managed.
Then he spoke.
"Do you ladies have any cubs?"
Lady Agatha was outraged. "Cubs?"
More ladylike, Swan smiled politely trying to think how to smooth things over. Then she understood.
"Oh! You mean babies?"
"Yes, babies. Do you not call your babies cubs?"
The manservant cleared the cheetah's plate.

More ladylike, Swan smiled politely trying to think how to smooth things over. Then she understood.
"Oh! You mean babies?"

"We call them babies. I do not have any children yet." Agatha replied somewhat stiffly, but not unkindly.
"I don't have any babies either," Swan giggled nervously. "I would like to though."
"Swan, come with me please."

At her husband's voice a chill ran up her spine. She realized this "man" is what he had been trying to protect her from. This is what he would not speak of. She felt she had done wrong somehow.
"I should be going as well." The cheetah drew closer to Swan. He looked right into her eyes. "Ladies." He let his sultry voice hang in the air. He walked around Swan, not quite brushing her as he left.
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