Lady Sylvia didn't know why she had ventured back to the magic kingdom. She had wandered to the dark elf's home because it was the only road in that kingdom familiar to her. She hadn't planned to stop there. With the elf moaning as he did, it just didn't seem proper to move on without seeing if he needed her aid. Besides, she had felt significantly better when he had stopped by her home. Perhaps it was time to return that favor.
"I ache with your suffering. Your lost child still pains you."

"That would be kind."

"I see the dance is not enough. Come with me. I will make you feel better."
Sylvia followed him inside.
"I will go wash up, I won't be long."
Sylvia sat upon a bench, wondering why she had followed him in here. He had made her feel better for a moment. Perhaps he is simply kind.

These thoughts only brought her back to that little pain in her heart.

She moaned. The dark elf must have heard her, for he called to her.
"Come upstairs Sylvia."
Still lost in thoughts of her baby, Sylvia obeyed.
"In here. Let me make you feel better."

She followed his voice to a little wash room.
Before this elf who said he wanted to make her feel better, away from her husband who only wanted her to be better, Sylvia broke into tears. She hadn't meant to. In fact, she felt her heart had been healed. She just had these painful moments now and then.

She began to feel embarassed, crying before this elf.
Goblin raised the back of his dark hand to her cheek, wiping away her tears.

At this unfamiliar touch Sylvia grabbed his wrist to stop him. At the same time, it touched something inside her. Her pirate of a husband didn't dry her tears. He didn't seem to know what to do with her. She only hoped he truly didn't blame her for not being able to carry his child.
"What I would like to do with your pain..."
Again, Sylvia was touched. She couldn't help it. She had mourned alone, her husband avoiding her in her weakest moments. She had needed the sympathy.

"You'd do that for me?"
Then the Goblin grabbed her waist firmly, pulling her to him.

Startled again, she didn't return his embrace right away. Then she gave into it. She wasn't sure herself if it was to avoid losing her balance or if she desperately needed to be held.
Goblin seemed to take her dainty arms around him to mean something else.
He kissed Sylvia. She found herself responding. Perhaps it was out of habit. No man aside from her husband had ever kissed her. It did not occur to her at first that she should try to stop him. By the time it had, he was done kissing her. She was surprised and a little breathless.
Goblin reached around her and grabbed her backside firmly in her hand. She jumped with surprise. Did he laugh as she squealed?

"I will make you feel better Sylvia."
He began to rustle with her skirts. What was he doing?
He touched her where her husband didn't touch her with his hand. Could the elf possibly think she had a physical pain there? A pain he could heal? She meant to tell him it was only her heart that hurt, then gasped.
Sylvia's breath came faster. She couldn't speak at all. She felt her face grow hot. She began to cry out.
Not only could she not speak, she couldn't move. It took all her effort to remain standing. She cried out again and again, she could not help herself.

She felt the Goblin's breath on her breasts and his hand in places she hadn't known she had. Her own breath came and weant quickly as she cried out again and again. Something then happened, though she didn't know what. For a moment she couldn't breathe. She felt...she didn't know what, different. Another cry escaped her lips, then a moan. She shivered and nearly fell. The goblin caught her and picked her up.
Sylvia clung to goblin, feeling weak and sleepy.