Patches Loch of the Grunwald gypsies wandered through the Wild Kingdom. The Gypsy Queen had told an interesting tale of this kingdom she had heard from the ship. He wanted to see for himself if there be truth to the tale. Mostly, he missed traveling about. It didn't seem quite right for gypsies to settle in one place.
Behold, what is that in the distance?

This is the right place...but it can't be. Indeed, it is.

"Welcome weary traveler. I am Queen Nala Swinger. Pleased to have you in my kingdom." A caress of his hand and a swish of her tail accompanied her words.

"I am pleased to meet you Your Majesty." Patches shook the Queens hand firmly, but spoke gently. "I am Patches Loch of the Grunwald gypsies, who I long to get back to. It's never easy on a man to be away from his wife long. I best be on my way."
"Your wife? I do hope you will bring her with you, should you come this way again."
"Thank you Your Majesty."
Patches shivered. He walked quickly away, eager to get home to his wife and gypsies.
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