King Erik was out, and would not be back to the castle until late. Queen Matilda didn't mind. She knew as Queen she would be alone from time to time. She supposed peasant women had their husbands less. Those men must work so hard, bless their souls. She had planned in advance and had sent an invitation for a very important guest. While waiting she snuck a plate of salad. Have to feed her baby to be!

As she took the last bite a servant told her the guest had arrived. "Thank you. I will be down to greet her myself."

"Lady Scorpion, I am so pleased to meet you. I, Queen Matilda, welcome you to Grunwald." With the greeting barely complete another servant rushed in. "Your Majesty, Reeve Locksley awaits your presence. He said to tell you it is most urgent and cannot wait."
The Ladies exchanged a glance.
"I am sorry. I must see what this is about. Please excuse me." Matilda waddled to greet the Reeve.

"Reeve Locksley, I hope all is well?" Matilda's heart beat faster. Could Erik be hurt was too painful to think about. "Yes My Queen, all is well. Do not fear. Knowing Erik was not about the castle I stopped by to be certain all is well. The servants told me a foreign woman dared ask to see you with your husband away. Do not worry. I asked the servants to send her away as soon as you were safe from the room." He gave her a grand bow.

sent her away? Reeve Locksley, that foreign woman is an Egyptian noble woman. Do you realize the problem you have just created? That woman is my guest. I sent for her."

"Forgive me Your Majesty."
Matilda relaxed a little.
"Your Majesty, I sent her away for your protection. I am Reeve. As Reeve I won't have a foreign woman invading the castle in the king's absence, Lady or otherwise."
"You may be Reeve, but I am your Queen. You have no right to send my guests away from this castle, regardless of who they may be."

"My guests are none of your affair. You will never send my guests away again. Do you understand?"
"We shall see about that," he replied sharply. "I will bring this up to King Lovejoy."
Queen Matilda folded her arms over her baby protectively.
"Until then you are dismissed. My servants will see you to the castle gate."
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