"Erik? Are you well? What troubles you? May I come in?"

Matilda was hurt beyond measure. "Erik...why...."
"Matilda! You must obey me at once!"
Matilda didn't understand.
"Please, My King...how have I displeased you?"
"Matilda, there's a fire! The servants are coming... You must leave at once! Go to the tower."
"Matilda, there's a fire! The servants are coming... You must leave at once! Go to the tower."

As a servant put out the last of the fire, Erik sought out his wife.

He found her outside the tower in the dark. Erik rushed to his wife.
"Matilda, Love, are you hurt?"
"No Erik," she replied meekly. "Are you hurt?"
"Not at all."
Erik leaned over her protruding belly.
Matilda was embarrassed. Did he really think her big belly was a bump from tripping and falling. A hearty queen could be seen as a sign of wealth. But Matilda had gained so quickly she felt gluttonous and ashamed.

"And the baby?" he asked.
Matilda was confused.
"The baby? The baby isn't here yet."
Matilda had no idea how long it took to grow a baby. She had expected it to take a day...and it had been so many days. She dare not show her ignorance by asking anyone.
Erik's face was full of affection.

"How's my little baby?"
His voice was stange, a little high, and he was speaking not to her face, but to her belly.
"Can you hear your Papa? Did all that running hurt my Little One?"
Erik looked up a moment.
"Do you think our baby can hear me snuggled in his mother's belly?"
Matilda was too stunned to speak. The baby was in her belly? She was not a gluttonous woman? Then she realized the royal servants must know what she did not. How else would they know to have 2 dresses made with room for her baby? Her baby... She felt warm all over with love.
Erik turned his ear toward the baby. He looked worried for a moment. Then Matilda felt worried as well. Erik drew closer, pressing his ear against her.

"I hear our baby!" he beamed.
"What did the baby say?"
Erik laughed.
"It would be nice if the babies could speak before their birth. My father once told me I was talking at a year old. He said I might have spoken younger if we hadn't been in hiding. Come now. I want you out of this cold. We can warm up a little in the tower."
Matilda followed dazedly. Babies can't speak in their first year? She had no idea a baby must be taught to speak. She wondered what a baby would look like...how long would the baby's hair be?
"Have you felt the baby kick often? My father told me I kicked my mother softly, a gentleman from the start." He said proudly.
Kicking? Was that the funny feeling she had? She felt cheated. She hadn't known that was her baby. This all would have been different if she had known.
Erik knelt before her. He looked up at her and smiled. He gently placed a hand upon their baby.
The king and queen marveled over their baby's kicks for some time before walking back to the castle and their royal bed.

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