Maid Patty had followed Thomas inside. She had noticed most of the Merchant men were outside....and this seemed the best way to avoid them. Maid Heather found herself outside, dining with the household alone. "So pleased you and your friends could join us Maid Heather."
"Thank you. Please, tell me again the names of all who live here. There are so many of you, I'm having trouble remembering." "I am Snow White." "Named for her lovely skin, white as the snow," one of the old men piped up. "And the 7 dwarves I live with are Grouchy, Active, Lazy, Shy, Playful, Outgoing and Serious." "And are you all at home today?" "Oh yes. Though some of the dwarves are busy fishing, or somewhere about the cottage." Maid Heather had been in the cottage. She'd gone in briefly with Thomas and Patty. If any dwarves were in the cottage they were upstairs. And surely they had heard her voice when she had said she would just be outside. Heather couldn't see Serious anywhere about - not at the table, not fishing... He must be upstairs, avoiding her. She wiped away a tear. If she could not marry him, she had hoped she could see him, talk to him... Maid Heather played at chess alone, hoping a certain dwarf would make excuse to join her.
He never did.
When Thomas bade Snow White and the dwarves farewell from all of them, Heather hurried ahead. The silent tears spilled down her cheeks, hidden by the darkness.