Queen Matilda had received word. They're home. It was only a matter of time before her husband's carriage arrived.

Matilda dressed in her finest, awaiting his arrival.

Then she heard it. The horses hooves. He's here!

Matilda walked more quickly through the castle.

King Erik arrived home, tired from his journey. He had suffered from sea sickness for a good portion of the trip. Now that he was feeling better, he was hungry.

Matilda peeped out the doorway. Now little more than the castle stairs stood between them.

King Erik had sent a man ahead to the Great Hall. They would dine there. Not a great feast, but a small intimate meal with his sweet wife.

Erik heard his wife's dainty footsteps approach.

He stepped out of the carriage, home at last.
Erik took his delicate wife in his arms, lifting her off her feet, breathing her in, and placing her in the carriage.

"Tonight we have our first meal in the Great Hall. Nothing extravagant, I hope you don't mind. A small meal informal meal, just the two of us. Even now they prepare for our arrival."

Erik paused a moment in front of The Great Hall. It must have been built at the same time as the castle. This was not only their first visit to The Great Hall, it was their first visit to
Bonney Glen, the name for the "downtown" area near the middle of the kingdom.

Erik continued on, his dear wife following behind him.

Erik eagerly dug into his meal. He hadn't realized how hungry he was.

"Aren't you hungry Love?" he asked, taking another bite.
Her pause gave him concern. Had she not been feeling unwell when he had left? Perhaps he should have stayed...
"Matilda, are you ill? I'm so sorry. I should have stayed behind with you."
"No Your Majesty, it isn't that."
He felt relieved.
"What is it then?"

Matilda felt a wave of shyness.
Very softly she told him, "Unless I am mistaken, we are expecting our first prince or princess."

After their dinner King Erik ventured upstairs. He wanted a moment to himself. He had been on a crowded ship for too long.

Erik went to meet his wife in the carriage. He decided he would bring her home and return on his own.
Erik upon returning made a purchase.
Then he bought himself a celebratory drink from the barmaid.

A growing kingdom, a baby on the way, their is much to celebrate.
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