"Welcome Madam."
Her feeling had been right afterall. Before this beautiful creature she felt like a giddy young girl.
"I am honored to meet you." She shook his hand, then surprised herself by softly sighing, "an angel..."
"I am quited alive m'lady. I am Cupid."
"That's even better! I am Queen of the Gypsies of the Kingdom of Grunwald."

"Did you leave your kingdom in search of Cupid?" "Good King Lovejoy left in search of other kingdoms to see how the world fared from the Plague." "King Lovejoy? I'd love to meet a royal family with such a name. Has he any princesses?" "Not yet. We haven't found any children in any of the kingdoms. We haven't found illness either. Children will likely follow soon." "A few families have chilren here in the Magic Kingdom." "I had a feeling about this place. Does this mean the legend comes true?" "Aged Queen meet winged man? Are you sure you qualify?"
A giggle escaped the queen.
"Should we tell them?"
"M'lady, do you not know the rest of the legend?"
"The first part is about a man freeing up the orient, which has already occurred during our trip. The other part is more interesting. As it has passed to me, it goes as follows: An aged queen will meet a winged man and the world will change forever. Does this mean you will sweep me off my feet?"
The old gypsy woman spoke the last sentence with flirtation, but not with expectation. In her wisdom she knew better than to think the legend would be so small.

Cupid smiled wickedly and shook his finger at her, but answered seriously.
"The way the world changes is that time changes. In some ways it passes more quickly. It takes even a child an hour or less to travel between kingdoms. It seems ordinary to everyone, going unnoticed. Those who know the legend forget it. It is not reversible."
"Have we brought doom upon the people?"
"Let us hope we have brought peace."
"I think the plague brought peace."
"It will not be doom to the people. It will seem as if it always was."
"Cupid, is time not as it always was?"
"Of course it is."
For already they had begun to forget that time had ever been different.
This is my explanation for why time and travel are different in a sim game. I don't want to stop my sims from aging for the sake of the story. It's more fun this way.