After Lords Locksley and Moore confirmed the Wiseman's dream to be real, the Old Gypsy Queen pointed out that Allen must be the man from the legend. Allen meekly pointed out the genie had been witnessed by no one other than himself. The Gypsy woman proudly declared that genies do exist. Allen modestly said that it could have been anyone who opened the way....but more likely that no one had tried. No one accepted this idea. The more humbly he protested the more people insisted that Allen is clearly the long awaited man from the legend. Allen was thankful the legend ended there. He tried to be a good man, but was far too humble to believe himself of a purer heart than all others. He was after all simply a man like any other. The next land to explore was deeper into the desert. Allen readily volunteered to seek out the King, which he was just as readily granted. He found a great palace within the desert sands. He went there and saw a sight most unexpected.

A genie woman! Allen relaxed, not realizing he had been so tense. The dream is indeed real.

He was in awe. Then he saw a most familiar face.

The blue Genie! He was doing the same as him, waiting to meet the King.

Allen could tell by the way they looked at each other that the genies are man and wife....and by the rings on their fingers.
The King emerged from his palace. A peaceful man. Like the Sultan and the Emperor, this King too had a special title - Pharoh.

They sat together upon the ground and talked together. Allen sat next to the Pharoh with honor.

On Allen's right sat...or perhaps floated...the Genie's wife, who calls herself Jinni.

Across from Allen and the Pharoh sat Queen Cleopatra, a beautiful woman.

The genie completed the circle.
It turns out the genie and his wife had followed Allen out of curiosity.
The royal couple and the genie couple were also quite curious about each other.
After a time Allen politely asked if he may have water to clean off the dust from his travels.
Pharoh told him where he might bathe and get food within his palace. He suggested that if he like he may swim or soak in a hot spring within his palace walls.

Allen was amazed. The ground had been dug out below the level of the floor. Paneling...some type of tile...lined the walls, and water filled this palace swimming hole. Beyond it lay a smaller water hole. When Allen got closer he felt the heat from the water. The palace had been built over a hot spring.

Allen took a quick glance around, then slipped off his robe.

Allen slipped into the water, soaking off the dirt and smell from his travels.

After bathing, Allen headed toward the dining hall. He found the palace to be very fine. He found courtyards with flowers.

Allen found eleaborate paintings upon the palace walls.

Allen found the dining hall to be very fine indeed.

He was served a fine meal.

After dinner Allen peeked at the kitchen as he passed by. It was simple, but somehow ornate.

Allen returned to one of the courtyards.

He was most pleased to discover the Pharoh and the Sultan have the bubble blowers in common.

Allen happily blew bubbles into the evening.
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