Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chapter 15 Gypsy Tale

Queen Gypsy could feel the magic of this land in her very bones. It was only after the men seemed satisfied with exploring this land that she requested to take a little quest of her own. She was assigned a couple of the wisemen to accompany her.

Fie! The Great Queen of the Gypsies had no need of a couple old men. She thought it best not to protest, lest she may lose her visit to the land altogether.

Queen Gypsy walked swiftly. She would have lost the old men if she had been younger. Being an old woman herself, she knew it would not be long before they caught up to her.

She headed where she felt the greatest tug. She soon found why. This land too had gypsies. At a glance she could see she was face to face with their henna faced queen.

"I felt someone coming, someone powerful. I am the great Gypsy Queen. I'd introduce you to my gypsies, but I sent them away. I didn't know the great one would be a gypsy."

The old woman smiled before replying.

"My gypsies and I have settled in the Kingdom of Grunwald. I have been called Queen Gypsy for so long, I don't remember if I ever had another name. I'd introduce you to my gypsies, but I am traveling with the king's wisemen. I lost the old men back there, but they'll catch up."

The exotic gypsy cackled.

"They must not know much about gypsies! Perhaps they'll have to send a younger man after you!"

"If they did, they'd have had to go back to the ship to get him and point the way I went!"

Gypsy Queen could hear the sounds of running steps behind her. She turned 'round and laughed hard. Indeed, they had sent someone!

Soon after the 2 wisemen caught up.

The exotic gypsy queen was as much pleased to meet the old men as she was the old woman. She invited them all to a dinner of sausages.

Allen was very interested in the gypsy gardens. He would later learn from Queen Gypsy that all gypsies have such gardens.
The townsman also took a look before the exotic gypsy called them to dinner. The old woman hadn't made the best sausages, but all present were wise enough not to say so. The Gypsy Queen mentioned that they were seeking other kingdoms, the exotic queen's eyes sparkled, even in the darkness.

She told them a tale of a nearby kingdom with people of narrow eyes and long, colorful robes. She said it was rather hidden, not approachable by sea.

"It isn't too far from the gypsy camp. The land is lush, much like the gypsy land."
"Why don't you spend the night here? You can visit the kingdom in the morning, or go back to your ship as you please."

The party did just that.

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