When Old Joseph had asked to take some of the wise men to seek out the King, he could not deny the old men the honor. He had been tempted to join them, but thought it may seem as if he did not trust them, or worse, as if he meant to take some of their glory.
The old men took their time. Sven could not blame them. First because they are old men, second because they were out discovering! He reminded himself of this every time he suspected foul play. Even if it did go afoul for the old men, at least one would be left alive...if only to strike fear into the rest of them. Sven would give this man the honor of counseling him before pillaging the kingdom.
When at last the old men came back healthy and speaking well of a Sultan who ruled this Ottoman Kingdom, Sven was ashamed to find himself disappointed. It must be the viking in him that gave him the urge to pillage.
When he heard of the harem women, he was so cheered he almost forgot he had a wife. He briefly wondered if she would mind if he brought home a harem, she the wife above the harem... Then he thought of his dear sweet wife, and was deeply ashamed. He could never do anything to hurt his little lamb of a wife, the dear girl. It is a hard thing to be a viking in love.
His sweet wife loved him just as he was and had asked him to change nothing. It was Sven who had looked for a place to settle. Once he'd met her he'd lost all desire to live the rougher part of the viking ways. He now wished only to love his wife... Or so he thought. He realized he quite loved this adventure. Deep in his heart he knew he wouldn't be pleased with another woman. How could any woman measure up to his heart of hearts?
Feeling a very lucky man, and finding the old men healthy and with good news, Sven declared it a time to celebrate.
It was a day after all the celebrating that Sven ventured out. He may have celebrated longer, but the ship needed fresh water.
Sven found an oasis. A noble man by the name of Lord Samson Sol had made the oasis his home.

"It will be cooler after nightfall, a more pleasant journey back."
After this welcoming, Sven did not see much of his host. He had a hunch Samson's harem kept him busy.
Out of love and respect for his wife, Sven did not pillage any harem women. There was also the idea of keeping peace between the kingdoms.

During the evening meal Sven met the Sultan himself. The Sultan told him that he had brought along some of his harem.
Sven wasn't sure which harem women belong to the Sultan, and which to Samson Sol. He felt especially glad for his wife. It he had no woman to love, he may have done something very foolish.
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