With the threat of the plague long over, Queen Matilda found great joy in simply being outside. If she had only known the danger of the plague was over, she would have come out of hiding before being discovered by her sweet husband. She was still uncertain when the danger had passed, possibly years. In their long voyage they had not seen a single sick person...they had not seen a live person aside from each other until they reached their kingdom. Was it normal for a kingdom to have only royalty and servants? Surely not. She had read of nobility, merchants, and large numbers of peasants. Could a kingdom survive without them? Queen Matilda passed by a woman, who showed no signs of the respect she had quickly learned her servants owed her. Queen Matilda chastised the woman who had not acknowledged her in any way. A queen certainly deserved more.

"Forgive me Your Majesty. Would you care to come in?" The woman's voice was not like the servants. Matilda wanted to think on this a moment. "I will join you shortly." She said these words in a softer tone. The woman went inside, giving Matilda the time she needed. What was different about this woman? What was it about her voice? Oh no. She did not have the slightly coarse sound her servants had. Her voice was more like her own. Surely this woman is of better breeding... Oh no... This woman was dressed nicely, as if she did not work all day... Could she be a noble woman? It wasn't like Matilda to have harsh words with anyone...not that she had much practice. Perhaps it was shame that made Matilda feel a little ill as she stepped inside.

Matilda acted more the queen she is this time. She formally introduced herself as Queen Matilda Lovejoy, wife of Our Great King, King Erik Lovejoy. A finely dressed man stood.
"I am Lord Robert Locksley. I believe you have just met my wife, Lady Swan Locksley. May I have a word with you privately Your Majesty?" Queen Matilda gave a majestic nod of her head, and followed Lord Locksley.
"Is that any way to treat a noble lady? My poor wife did not see you, or she would have greeted you far better than you greeted her."

Unexpectedly, Matilda burst into tears.

"I don't know what came over me. Please, forgive me Lord Robert. I should have recognized her nobility from a distance, both in appearance and in manner." She couldn't control a most undignified sob. "It was no way for a queen to speak to anyone."
Lord Robert softened. "My wife told me it was likely a mistake. She said I needn't mention it to you. Please, forgive me. Both for judging you harshly, and failing to introduce myself before settling in. Would you bring a letter of introduction to your husband for me?"

"Lady Locksley sounds like a noblewoman indeed. I would be honored to carry your letter to His Majesty."
Lord Robert set to writing the letter.

While she waited, Matilda took a moment to pray. She truly did not know why she had been so harsh, or cried so easily. She prayed that God might forgive her, and teach her to be a better queen.

Lord Robert handed his queen his scroll of introduction and they parted ways.

As Matilda passed by Lady Swan, she silently hoped that she had not hurt her chances of becoming friends with the fine noblewoman.
Hmm. I wonder if hormones had anything to do with Queen Matilda's less-than-queenly actions.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry about it, Queen Matilda. You're Sims. You could have made her furious and after kicking over your garbage can a couple of times, she would have still forgotten about it in a few days. Heck, half of Albion would be best friends with the burglar if I let them talk to the burglar when she called.
Anyway, great update! Can't wait to see what comes next. And I love the names -- both Lord Robert and Lady Swan. :)
Isn't that just special? First they rob you, then they call up to chat.
ReplyDeleteWhy was Queen Matilda so reactive? No social graces? Why did Lord Swan "fuss" at the queen? It seems everyone is forgeting their place. Maybe that plague mentality has affected their noble breeding! :LOL: ;)
That's about right.
ReplyDeleteDue to the plague the fine upbringing of the nobility is limited.
Queen Matilda is questioning herself as much as you are. She doesn't know what came over her.
And Lord Robert Locksley? He's protective of his wife in the most medieval sense. He forgot he was talking to a queen until she reacted like she did. Then he took a step back feeling guilty for treating a lady like that, and worse, a queen! Which is why he apologized in that soothing way.