Pirate Jack had so far been rather bored with the "adventure". At last they had arrived somewhere interesting!

Pirate Jack came upon a hut type dwelling that looked promising.

He was soon greeted by a native by the name of Rip Brute.

"Rip Brute, I am Pirate Jack Roberts. What do you do around here for fun?"
"Come. We will play at hunting darts."

It wasn't long before other members of the tribe stopped by, likely to see this foreign man.

Gubon Bushman, a very dark skinned man, was fascinated with Pirate Jack's skin. He listened eagerly about the Kingdom of Grunwald, with inhabitants as pale as the pirate's.

Pirate Jack settled down to an evening meal with 3 of the tribemen: Brute, Bushman, and a man by the name of Brawn Hunter.

"I am with a party from the Kingdom of Grunwald. Our good King Lovejoy wishes us to seek out people. It seems many have perished during the Plague. It seems that those in Europe that could, traveled to Grunwald to live...perhaps everyone...perhaps there are some to sickly who shall die."
The men listened quietly as the pirate went on.
"We have found 2 kingdoms of people in the desert and a hidden kingdom of people in the orient." He looked at the tribal men expectantly.
"Now that we are here, many think this is all the people of the world." The other men shifted their gazes to their food.
"I think if anyone would know of another kingdom, if there are anymore. It would be the men before me."

The men grew more quiet. Jack Roberts placed his silence as wisely as he had placed his words. Finally Brute addressed Hunter.

"The legend of pale people of the water house tribe is true. This man he comes with people on a house on the water. He has seen many other people. The other legend may be true as well."

"Perhaps we should tell him where."

Pirate Jack listened eagerly as the tribal men told him where the wild things are.

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