The Grunwald party traveled on using the directions of Pirate Jack Roberts. He explained that there may be another kingdom according to a legend the tribal people told him.
Allen the Wise Man was sent to greet the king, if there is one. From the ship it looked mainly jungle and forest.

Allen wandered through wood and jungle. When he came across the genie, he thought it likely he had arrived.

"Genie, have you seen any people? A castle perhaps?

"This is where the wild things are. The king and queen live here. Look more closely. The castle is a treehouse."
Allen turned to view the treehouse, but saw little more than the steps. For how could eyes possibly seek out buildings with the sight before him?
"I am King Louie Swinger, king of the wild things."

It talked! The monkey...monkey as big as a man...stared him in the face and spoke...
He noticed the genie in the background. The genie seemed to find the scene rather ordinary. This kept Allen from panic.
"Good day Your Majesty," Allen managed to get out before hurrying away.

Lord Robert Locksley followed the path Allen the Wise Man had just come from. The old man was babbling about seeing the blue genie, again, and then a man sized monkey that spoke to him.
Poor old man. He must not have had enough water on this trip. Maybe the kind old man had been giving away his share of food. Perhaps the heat is getting to him.
Then Lord Robert stopped in his tracks.

It's true. It's all true. Sky blue genie and giant monkey man....