Thursday, September 30, 2010

Chapter 28 Waltzing Matilda

"Matilda" King Erik was surprised. "I haven't seen you in that dress since I came home."
Not to mention I was weary and hungry. Did she look this good then? How could I have missed it...
"I wanted you to see me in this dress before," Matilda faltered shyly, "before the baby..."
"You're so beautiful Matilda...glowing...and did you always smell this good?"
King Erik closed his eyes and breathed in his wife.
"Thank you."
Queen Matilda blushed, making her husband's heart beat a little faster.
"Dance with me my sweet."
Even her hand in his gave him a little thrill.
Erik wanted to give his wife a little thrill as well. He twirled her about,
gave her a moment to catch her breath in his arms,
then tilted her off balance. He only thought to give her a little kiss.
But when she gave him that soft little moan he couldn't resist kissing her more deeply.
Erik gazed lovingly at his sweet wife.
"I love you Matilda."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chapter 27 The Queen's News Spreads

The Wisemen of Grunwald took in 3 maidens shortly after King Lovejoy took the throne. Each young woman is without family. The 3 gathered in an evening in silence. Each thinking her own thoughts about the queen being with child. Each wanting a husband and babe of her own.
It was not long after the announcement that Old Joseph went to see Queen Matilda. Old Joseph gave a fatherly embrace to his beloved queen.
Far off in the low lands in these first days back from the travel about the world, Lady Sylvia rested.
Lady Sylvia had felt queasy since she met the Dark Elf. At first she thought she was simply shaken by meeting the dark creature. During the voyage home she thought it was sea sickness. Upon returning, she thought she just needed to get her land legs. When the Queen's news reached her corner of the kingdom it gave her another thought. Perhaps she too is with child. This was confirmed in the worst of ways.
The cries of Sylvia could be heard throughout the ship. Pirate Roberts withdrew from his bath and hurried to her as quickly as he could. His Lady, his dear girl! Her face crumpled before him, her lips speaking of their child lost. And he, a lowly pirate, knowing not how to comfort her. He was at a loss.
Lady Sylvia found herself in the kitchen, eating a spoiled bit of bread.
Oh dear! I shouldn't have eaten that. What about the baby? Then the brief forgetfulness ended and she cried again for her lost child.
Pirate Roberts stayed above where his wife had left him. He scanned the horizon to protect her safety.
His dead baby made him feel helpless. He had been unable to protect Sylvia from this loss. He protects her now as a pirate knows how, scanning the horizon, scouting for anthing that may threaten his wife.
Sylvia wanders about the ship, grieving.
The spirited lass suffering the first miscarriage of the Kingdom of Grunwald.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Chapter 26 The King Returns

Queen Matilda had received word. They're home. It was only a matter of time before her husband's carriage arrived. Matilda dressed in her finest, awaiting his arrival. Then she heard it. The horses hooves. He's here! Matilda walked more quickly through the castle.
King Erik arrived home, tired from his journey. He had suffered from sea sickness for a good portion of the trip. Now that he was feeling better, he was hungry.
Matilda peeped out the doorway. Now little more than the castle stairs stood between them. King Erik had sent a man ahead to the Great Hall. They would dine there. Not a great feast, but a small intimate meal with his sweet wife.
Erik heard his wife's dainty footsteps approach. He stepped out of the carriage, home at last.
Erik took his delicate wife in his arms, lifting her off her feet, breathing her in, and placing her in the carriage. "Tonight we have our first meal in the Great Hall. Nothing extravagant, I hope you don't mind. A small meal informal meal, just the two of us. Even now they prepare for our arrival."
Erik paused a moment in front of The Great Hall. It must have been built at the same time as the castle. This was not only their first visit to The Great Hall, it was their first visit to Bonney Glen, the name for the "downtown" area near the middle of the kingdom. Erik continued on, his dear wife following behind him. Erik eagerly dug into his meal. He hadn't realized how hungry he was. "Aren't you hungry Love?" he asked, taking another bite.
Her pause gave him concern. Had she not been feeling unwell when he had left? Perhaps he should have stayed...
"Matilda, are you ill? I'm so sorry. I should have stayed behind with you."
"No Your Majesty, it isn't that."
He felt relieved.
"What is it then?" Matilda felt a wave of shyness.
Very softly she told him, "Unless I am mistaken, we are expecting our first prince or princess." After their dinner King Erik ventured upstairs. He wanted a moment to himself. He had been on a crowded ship for too long.
Erik went to meet his wife in the carriage. He decided he would bring her home and return on his own.
Erik upon returning made a purchase.
Then he bought himself a celebratory drink from the barmaid. A growing kingdom, a baby on the way, their is much to celebrate.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chapter 25 Dark Elf

Lady Sylvia had been most eager to join her husband to venture to other lands. She had looked hungrily at each port only to be denied. Sometimes her husband told her it was too dangerous for a lady, even a pirate's wife. Sometimes he told her the 2 of them had better things to do, and would sneak her away somewhere private. She knew he wanted to protect her. She wasn't sure if it was from bodily harm or the eager eyes of foreign men. She felt she had nothing to fear if he accompanied her, and little to fear if he didn't. What man would dare strike a lady? Now they are at a Magic Kingdom of all things. Sylvia resolved to not ask this time. She playfully announced to her dear pirate of a man that she would be venturing off the ship this afternoon - alone. Of course he had laughed, thinking it a good joke. She let that be. When she came up missing, he would know what she had done. Now she need not fear the ship leave without her. Lady Sylvia walked quickly, driven by curiosity. She wanted to see as much as she could before her husband found her missing and caught up with her. Escaping for the whole afternoon seemed too much to hope for. She didn't plan to stop at any one place. This bit of caution she hoped would appease her husband later. Sylvia was absorbed in her surroundings, her eyes taking in the trees and homes. She was therefore quite surprised when a man blocked her path.
What little the man wore had holes. His hair was a mess. And he was very dirty. "What be you needing from the likes of me?" He asked this question in such a way that Sylvia wasn't certain if he was being friendly or threatening.

Sylvia bubbled nervously, "I am Lady Sylvia of Grunwald. I am with a party from Grunwald. We came on a ship..."

The dark man just briefly had gazed past her. She was quite obviously alone.

Sylvia was just noticing the man had pointed ears when he suddenly drew closer, baring his teeth like a wild thing. "And I am a dark elf. Most call me the Goblin, but that is not my name." He did not offer his name and Sylvia did not ask it.

He lunged at Sylvia, stopping just short of touching her. "I am most pleased to meet you," he sneered. "You are a pretty young thing aren't you? Pity."

He raised both his arms. To hold her or strike her she knew not which.

Sylvia gasped. She turned away as she took a step back. The dark elf laughed. Sylvia didn't know what to do. Her husband had been right. She wished now she had listened to him. She wished she was safe aboard the ship. She wished he was with her right now. A somewhat gruff voice spoke from behind her. "Goblin! It smells like the fish is done." The Goblin finished his laugh then turned as if he had planned to. He went over a bridge, presumably to his fish. The man's voice gentled then.

"I see you have met the dark elf. I trust you came out unscathed?" Lady Sylvia turned toward an unusual man. It wasn't just that his clothes were different. His skin is paler than Sylvia's white skin, and his hair of deepest black. It was a striking combination.

"Yes...thank you." Sylvia remembered her manners and politely introduced herself.

"I am Lord Smeagol Dwarf."

Sylvia found this a bit odd. It wasn't just that she had thought dwarves were only stories. It was also that she had thought dwarves were small little men. She would later compare notes with her friend the Gypsy Queen, who would tell her the White dwarves are also not short, but they are not pale as Smeagol is.

As a small thank you, Lady Sylvia taught Lord Smeagol her husband's pirate game. As she brought out the little leather ball and explained how to play her nerves steadied. She quite forgot herself, playing into the early evening before saying her goodbyes.

Sylvia had a feeling she had something to do with her husband's influence when it was announced they were headed for home. Sylvia knew she ought to feel bad. Instead she only felt relieved.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chapter 24 Snow White

The old gypsy woman had not yet had her fill of this Magic Kingdom. The following day she happened upon a cottage. A strikingly beautiful woman welcomed her. "Welcome Good Woman. I am the Lady Snow White." Her voice fell upon the woman as softly as the snow she was named for.
"I am a Gypsy Queen out wandering."
"You are very welcome here. Please stay as long as you please. Please excuse me for not introducing you to the 7 kindly dwarves. I must get back to my work. You're sure to run into some of them. Their names are Grouchy, Active, Sloppy, Playful, Serious, Lazy and Outgoing."
"Aren't you too fine a lady to be working?"
Snow White chuckled softly, but not unkindly.
"Someone must look after the dear old men!" With that she wandered off to do her chores.
The old gypsy woman spent a good part of the day fishing. For company she had one of the dwarves who said very litte. She guessed he was Grouchy. In addition another guest joined them. An unusual woman by the name of Ehwah. Ehwah wears very little clothing, has a long tail and is a vibrant blue.
Late in the evening Snow White blackened some of the fish the dwarves caught and served it up for supper. She called dwarf and guest alike to join her as they wished.
The old gypsy surveyed the scene. She wasn't sure what was most beautiful in the moonlight: the garden, Snow White in her evening dress, or the 7 old men.